In Cabin Fever, Catherine Lemblé keeps a weath­er eye on the moun­tains. In search of the fron­tier where man merges into its envi­ron­ment, she encoun­ters a ruth­less and omnipo­tent nature, in which every liv­ing crea­ture must acknowl­edge his supe­ri­or­i­ty. The series depicts the long­ing for a world where sim­plic­i­ty, silence and repose are abun­dant. The cab­in as a last resort, a panacea in a land­scape that’s irrev­o­ca­bly changing.

Cabin Fever col­lects 31 images from the peri­od 2013 – 2018 and a short text by Frederik Willem Daem and Catherine Lemblé. The fold-out cov­er hides a visu­al com­mem­o­ra­tion of her father, to whom the book is ded­i­cat­ed.

The book Cabin Fever was self-pub­lished in 2019
Design by Joris Verdoodt en Mathieu Serruys
Limited and num­bered edi­tion of 300
Swiss Binding
44 pages

order the book here

(last copies)

Book Cover
Book Cover
Inside Cover
Inside Cover
Route du lac, Haute Savoie, France, 2015
Route du lac, Haute Savoie, France, 2015
Alpage de Tzanfleuron, Berner Oberland, swiss, 2016
Alpage de Tzanfleuron, Berner Oberland, swiss, 2016
Plaine morte, Berner Oberland, Swiss, 2016
Plaine morte, Berner Oberland, Swiss, 2016
Cabin Star, Haute-Savoie, France, 2013
Cabin Star, Haute-Savoie, France, 2013
Mama in the Mist, Haute-Savoie, France, 2013
Mama in the Mist, Haute-Savoie, France, 2013
Signpost, Vosges, France, 2013 (work on paper)
Signpost, Vosges, France, 2013 (work on paper)
Sawback Burn, Alberta, Canada, 2016
Sawback Burn, Alberta, Canada, 2016
Abondance, Haute-Savoie, France, 2013 (work on paper)
Abondance, Haute-Savoie, France, 2013 (work on paper)
Icefall, Alberta, Canada, 2016
Icefall, Alberta, Canada, 2016
Weather Check, Sierra Nevada, Spain, 2013
Weather Check, Sierra Nevada, Spain, 2013
Snow Bank, Sierra Nevada, Spain, 2013
Snow Bank, Sierra Nevada, Spain, 2013
Mer de Glace, Haute-Savoie, France, 2017
Mer de Glace, Haute-Savoie, France, 2017
Galaxy, Haute-Savoie, France, 2017
Galaxy, Haute-Savoie, France, 2017
Book Spread
Book Spread
Pyrénées-Lumières, France, 2015
Pyrénées-Lumières, France, 2015
Moving Mountains, Belgium, 2016
Moving Mountains, Belgium, 2016